
Why Budgets Don’t Work

July 13, 2023

I’ve worked in the financial world since I was 14. Given that tenure, a lot of people are surprised to find that I don’t like budgets, I don’t recommend budgets,…

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Where Do You Give Your Tithe?

July 6, 2023

Where should you give your tithe? You can’t trade in American dollars for heavenly currency. You can’t write God a check or Venmo him your tithe directly. He doesn’t accept…

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When Giving to the Poor is Wrong

June 29, 2023

There’s a situation when giving to the poor is wrong. I hope I got your attention with this subject. I’m serious—the Bible lists out for us a specific circumstance when…

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What Is Tithing?

June 23, 2023

Mention tithing to anyone, and you’ll quickly realize all the controversy around this subject: Should Christians tithe today? Isn’t it just an Old Testament thing? Did Jesus even say anything…

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What Is Investing?

June 15, 2023

What is investing? Even if you consider yourself an investment expert, it may not be what you think. Money that is stagnant doesn’t create an exponential effect. Money that passes…

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The Three Pillars of Investing You Need to Know

June 8, 2023

Investing is putting your money to work so it can multiply—which sounds great on the surface. But I’m not the first to tell you that the problem with investing is…

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The Four Types of Investments

June 1, 2023

Before you can invest, what do you need to know? You first need to understand what you can invest in. There are four main kinds of investments. All investments can…

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Solomon and Jesus on Investing

May 25, 2023

Investing is all about multiplying your money and putting your money to work for you. You might be surprised to find that the Bible talks about investing. These words were…

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Should You Tithe on Gross or Net Income?

May 19, 2023

A common question I get asked a lot is, “Should I tithe on my gross or net income?” Gross income is the total paycheck that you receive from your employer—the…

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How to Start Investing

May 11, 2023

Warren Buffet gave this advice about investing. He said, “Rule #1—Don’t Lose Money, Rule #2—Don’t Lose Money.” I get asked a lot about practical rules to abide by as you…

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How to Make Money in the Stock Market

May 4, 2023

How can you get rich from the stock market? Any time I talk about investing, this is one of the most common questions I get. Let me start with a…

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How the Stock Market Works

April 27, 2023

Historically, the stock market has generated superior returns above nearly every investment out there—although historical returns may not always translate to personal returns. There have been very few investments that…

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