About Andrew
Hi, I’m Andrew McNair.
At age 19, I thought I had the Midas Touch!
As you can see, I have been working all my life. At 14, I started working at a financial firm. At 16, I had saved up $62,000. At 19, I had doubled it to six figures!
Fortunately, my string of successes were coming to an end. The University of Hard Knocks called and the tuition payment was due. I lost all of it! $142,000 in less than three months.
Working hard during my first economic chapter of life left me self-centered, depressed, angry, and with pennies in my pocket.
The greatest blessing was losing everything because, often, our greatest epiphanies spring out of the ashes of our greatest failures.
At that moment, I understood that it was all vanity. None of us can avoid losing everything we have. There is only one exception. You cannot lose what you give away!
After my pity party had been cleaned up, and with my new epiphany, by age 21 I started my 9-figure wealth management firm. At age 23, I was a millionaire, and by 24 was making seven figures annually. This time it was different: Instead of letting greed take its course, I surrendered to generosity.
I don't know your story, but if you believe God has given you a set of unique talents, abilities, and resources, not for your benefit and glory but for His, then we are kindred spirits.
My passion is helping individuals and families give more than they imagined they could. I believe an average giver can become an Everyday Philanthropist.

Our Mission
Our mission is to help average givers become everyday philanthropists. From individuals and families who want to transition from a normal life of supporting random causes here and there to helping them transition into becoming tremendous advocates for their ministries and causes they are committed to.Â
What We Believe
- Generosity. It is not the greatest accumulator but the greatest giver.
- Purpose. Our lives are not random.
- Frugality. Our lives are not about living paycheck to paycheck.
- Radical. Living radically generous.
- Joy. Worry is self-focused. Joy is selfless.
What We Don’t Believe
- Riches. Earthly riches are OK, but eternal riches are precious.
- Selfishness. You are not here to spend every dollar on yourself.
- Fame. Life is not about you but causes that will outlive you.
- Obsession. Only God's will is obsession worthy.
- Possession. No longer possessed by our possessions.
- Workaholism. Not working longer but with purpose.
We Are Not for Everyone
We are not for those who want to live selfishly. The power hungry, thirsty for fame and fortune.
We are for those who yearn to make a difference for their ministry.
We are not for those who won’t be happy unless they are rich and famous.
We are for those who are burned out by the rat race with the searching for a greater purpose.
Andrew only gives 20 speeches a year.
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